"The biggest benefit for me was reconnecting with a lost part of myself that I didn't really know i even had! Also finally acknowledging some big events that had happened in my life that I had previously brushed off. Reconnecting felt like coming home & gave my little self the recognition she really wanted & needed. It was also amazing the way that Leo connects the dots of your past & experiences to how you resopnd to situations or act now as an adult. Dealing with the root cause that was created so so long ago that sits dormant until somone so kind and caring like Leo helps you navigate through it.

For anyone who may struggle with depression or anxiety , but also for anyone looking to understand themselves better & reconnect with themselves. Leo is so kind & caring & creates a safe space. She has a HUGE amount of knowledge. I highly recommend it 100%"

-Jess - QLD

Welcome :)

Hi I'm Leo! I bring Playfulness + Depth to your "Return To Self" journey!

I'm a playful personality and a calm presence which allows me to bring the light to the shadows in a fun, light-hearted way. 

I'll help you to unravel and bring awareness to the unconscious realm that perhaps has not been seen, but is essential to finding your authentic truth and alignment. (I did say I also dive deep!)

My Journey began a few years ago as I found myself in the depths of deppression, in a ski town that I loved and was 'loving' life. After begining to open that box, the universe bounced me around, or shall I say "I" wasn't ready to stop running yet (and completely unaware at that point haha) Until I landed back here in Aus at the end of 2018, unsure of who I was, or who I was becoming and constantly finding myself in the "same darn cycles" of relationship, money & Identity crisises!!

This when I prayed to the Universe for a direction and is when I found my teacher who led me onto this beautiful jounrey of Returnig to Self; and Is why I'm so passionate of helping others regain their power, sense of purpose and confidence within themselves again!

Why a little "Do-it-Yourself" program?

Well the first step in it all, is "Awareness". We can't change or accept something that we don't know yet.

I also began to realize that I wanted to reach more people with my Magic, and this is a first step to discover if the "glass slipper" fits for us to work together on a more deeper level.

It's also much more then what you'll get from the course alone; but more about being in the energy of someone ( yes, me) who's been through what your going though, who's ridden up and down the waves that you've been/going through & will learn to ride as you progress on your journey.

Allowing you to see, that it's possible, because i'm here, proof. You can do it!

I was witnessing my power behind the work I do, even with small simple exercises I did with friends & clients - and the energetic activations that I would stir up in those around me through my very presence & the online work. So I knew that this Online course was how I could share my gifts & soul purpose with more people around the world.

Want to experience more in life?

Who's this For?

If you're feeling a bit like I was, lost in the labyrinth of life, or if you're:

🌀 Recognizing those pesky cycles

🌀 Done with suffering and self-sabotage

🌀 Struggling to bid adieu to people, places, or things of the past

🌀 Having an identity crisis or feeling like you're the square peg in a round hole

🌀 Stuck in a loop of relationship drama and recurring issues

🌀 Familiar with the dance of Anxiety or Depression

🌀 Navigating the path of Grief after losing loved ones

🌀 Ready to face those childhood skeletons that have been hiding in your closet


If you're just tuning into that whisper saying, "Change is on the horizon," even if the 'what' and 'how' remain a tad mysterious.

What You'll RECEIVE

  • "Web of Life" Activity... you need to know where you are now to know where you're going.
  • Activities to invoke JOY
  • Modules tailored to specific developmental stages
  • Tools to help you along your process
  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
  • Meditation & Breathwork
  • Intro to meeting your Inner child
  • Journal Prompts.


  • 1 x 20min ZOOM/or phone call for 1:1 support!

Hear what others have to Say!


The questions that Leo provides throughout the inner child work journey have really helped me to look within & see how I can step up for my inner inner child & support her. The journey that i undertook with Leo helped me to see how I was outsourcing my own happiness to the external world & has changed my life by allowing me to see how i am in charge of my own happiness & getting the things I need from myself. This journey led me to leave a relationship that wasn't serving me, move interstate to the coast, improve my money mindset & live life doing the things I want to do - becasue I now know that i am strong enough to do these things on my own! The inner child work journey with Leo has been life changing!

Anonymous - NSW


My Inner Child therapy Sessions with Leo were life changing. Prior to seeing Leo I had just been through some deep personal transformative life lessons & the situation left me feeling unsettled as I know it triggered alot of wounding stemming from childhood. I reached out to Leo & explained my situation to her & we had a phone call pre-consultation. We met every week for 6 weeks for our min session & they were honestly life-changing! She has an amazing way of listening objectively & re-wording what I had just said into a way that I was able to understand & see my situation objectively. I was such a fascinating process of delving deep into my subconscious & learning to gain back my own trust & support that had been lost along the way in life. She was able to help me to see my progress & I truly felt like I had been through a death & rebirth so to speak which has left me feeling empowered, more sure of who I am, my boundaries & my needs. Thankyou so much Leo, you truly are so gifted with you knowledge, widsom & skills & I 100% would recommend anyone wanting to delve into the inner child realm to go and see her xx

Elodie - QLD


Leo is so great! I’ve noticed this week as I’m beginning to save for my tiny house that my money mindset has improved and my savings at going up quite quickly! Yes, I’m working more, and yes I don’t have big bills or pay rent as I live at home for now but I’m not spending money on silly things because I have way more happiness within myself rather than trying to gain happiness from the external! I put this down to the inner child work we did together! 💕

C.B - Vic


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